W. A. Mozart String Quartet no. 1 in G, K. 80

performed by the Amadeus Quartet This first string quartet effort, when the composer was only fourteen years old, has charm and interest in spades compared to the first efforts of Papa Haydn. While I’m sure his divertimenti served their intended … Continue reading W. A. Mozart String Quartet no. 1 in G, K. 80

Mozart Symphony no. 11

performed by the ASMF/Marriner Believed to date from 1770, and possibly written in Milan or Bologna, this symphony is also suspected by some to have been written by either the father Leopold Mozart or by Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf (who is actually a real person with that name, who has a huge catalogue of compositions). Its status on Wikipedia is listed as uncertain, but some music historical claims confidently that it is Mozart the son who wrote this work. That’s about all the info Wikipedia has on it. Another expert claims there is “little special” about this piece, but I … Continue reading Mozart Symphony no. 11

Mozart symphony no. 10 in G

performed by the ASMF/Marriner This one was likely written during Mozart’s first journey to Italy, completed in 1770. That’s about all the information we get from Wikipedia about this piece. Mozart would then have been a young teenager. The first movement is pleasant enough, very classical, with high horns responding to lots of strings. The first part of this movement has a delightful dainty sort of energy. The only non-strings are oboes and horns. This string-heavy orchestration makes it feel even more classical and antique than some of his earlier pieces. What feels like a second movement is actually just … Continue reading Mozart symphony no. 10 in G

Mozart symphony No. 9 in G

performed by the ASMF/Marriner Mozart Monday again! Last MM I was halfway around the world. I’m back on the other half now, the half live on, and after a week and a half of listening and preparing for the recent Sibelius post, it feels a bit incomplete or premature to be posting this. It is, however, only a 9-minute symphony, and I listened to it about four times. Not much to say here, as it’s such a departure from the Sibelius I listened to for a week straight. Still a childhood symphony, published in 1770, making Mozart about 14 years … Continue reading Mozart symphony No. 9 in G